Home Health Care Archives - Home Health Care News https://homehealthcarenews.com/category/home-health-care/ Latest Information and Analysis Tue, 15 Oct 2024 14:03:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/12/cropped-cropped-HHCN-Icon-2-32x32.png Home Health Care Archives - Home Health Care News https://homehealthcarenews.com/category/home-health-care/ 32 32 31507692 ‘We Need A Break, Please!’: Home Health Providers Sound Off On CMS Over Rate Cuts https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/we-need-a-break-please-home-health-providers-sound-off-on-cms-over-rate-cuts/ Fri, 11 Oct 2024 20:45:16 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29054 “Opposed.” That was the one-word response a home health provider left for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) during the comment period on the 2025 home health proposed payment rule. This comment was an anomaly, in terms of its brevity. While most respondents expressed similar sentiments, they chose to utilize more words to […]

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“Opposed.” That was the one-word response a home health provider left for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) during the comment period on the 2025 home health proposed payment rule.

This comment was an anomaly, in terms of its brevity. While most respondents expressed similar sentiments, they chose to utilize more words to do so.

Overall, providers went into detail about the specific challenges they are facing in their market, and why the proposed payment rule would impact access to care.

Below are the comments Home Health Care News thought stood out from providers, as they see their margins decrease year over year.

Some comments have been edited for length and clarity.    


Within our market, the incidence of home health admissions that include wound care and specifically the types of wounds included within this proposal are increasing. Any decrease to reimbursement for HHAs who are treating these types of wounds would be detrimental to patient care. The cost of supplies continues to increase like everything else in the economy and labor costs to access skilled nurses or therapists who actually have proper wound care treating in these types of cases are also increasing.

In our agency, we recently had to refer a patient who was sent to us to another agency due to the patient’s insurance. The patient developed a pressure wound and the nurse who was sent to treat the patient was not properly trained in wound care. Over the next few weeks, the patient reported that the wound was increasing in severity and he was concerned that the nurse did not seem to know what she was doing. He requested that she get some additional help. The nurse brought her supervisor to observe the wound care provided and ask if it was proper or adequate. The supervisor instructed her that the only thing she could do correctly at that point was call an ambulance for the patient. The patient had developed gangrene in the wound and was transported to a hospital. A few weeks later, the patient’s leg was amputated just below the knee. The result of amputation resulted in significantly higher expense to Medicare than paying for adequate wound care wound cost. Worse, the patient’s quality of life is now irreversibly affected by loss of limb.

I understand the need to try to reduce expenses and cut costs across our federal budget. Home health is a great program that allows for significant improvement in patient outcomes while decreasing hospitalization. I strongly encourage Medicare to consider increasing spending for home health companies to provide quality supplies and hire or train their staff with the necessary certifications and skills needed for advanced care in the home. While the expense for home health may increase, I don’t think it’s a surprise that the rate of hospitalization will decrease and that significantly decreases the overall cost of health care while also improving patient outcomes.

— Primary Home Health LLC


I am an administrator of a small independent home health care agency in Calumet City, IL. Every year we are fighting for survival and every year CMS is proposing to cut reimbursement and adding more regulations. Unfortunately, it is the same this year. There has got to be a way that you come up with a plan to stop this madness. It is difficult to pay nurses and have enough people in the office to maintain all of the regulatory requirements. Can you please remove some of the regulations so we can get back to the business of taking care of patients? You just extended RCD 5 additional years. You have extended HHVBP. You have added NOAs but didn’t remove any regulatory burdens nor have you given an increase in reimbursement. The hospital systems are dropping home health agencies like flies in Illinois because it appears we are not valuable. Independent home health agencies are closing because they can’t provide care, pay field staff and keep up with the regulatory burdens put upon us by you. We need a break, please!

— Deirdre Hezekiah Onwukwe


I would like to express my concerns regarding the recently released proposed rule for the CY2025 Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH-PPS). As an occupational therapist and a former home health provider, the proposed changes could significantly impact access to quality occupational therapy services for Medicare beneficiaries. Reducing payment for key occupational therapy services raises alarms about the sustainability of these essential services, which play a crucial role in enhancing the well-being and independence of patients in their home environments. It is required to maintain focus on ensuring that Medicare beneficiaries receive the highest quality of care, and adequate compensation for occupational therapy. I urge CMS to reconsider these proposed payment reductions to ensure that patients continue to receive the necessary occupational therapy services for their recovery and overall health.

— Vera Gallagher


While we appreciate CMS’ efforts to combat fraud, waste, and abuse, CMS must provide clear guidance to any provider under a PPEO, including the timeline for reviews, the process for any appeals, and the criteria for when sanctions and penalties are imposed.

CMS’ proposed rate reduction does not consider the high costs of inflation, staffing shortages, turnover, and labor stresses that home health providers are facing. Combining those challenges with significant cuts to funding would reduce our patients’ access to life-changing care. This affects the patients who need us the most who may not have the funds and are most vulnerable.

The most vulnerable populations rely on our high-quality care and these cuts will restrict their access to care, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

Changes to the wage index will move some agencies from an urban designation to a rural one, thereby further reducing their reimbursement at a time when rural agencies are facing increased challenges recruiting and retaining employees.

We give excellent care to all who need us and even give charity/indigent care as we can but further cuts to our funding would make it almost prohibited. Our clinicians work very hard and they are not given annual raises, in fact some have not had a raise in almost 3 years. Home health is not an easy job, it is an act of the heart and yet they give everything they have to the patients and community we serve!

— Seaport Scripps Home Health


My home health agency serves rural Wyoming. With the high cost of supplies, labor, recruitment and overall cost to service a rural area, the proposed Rule will nearly eliminate our ability to continue to service these areas. We are currently facing high inflationary wages And stiff staff competition with the hospital and other health care providers. A 4% reduction in our reimbursement will only exacerbate the issue.

The 5% wage index cap also prevents our rural communities from obtaining a market rate wage that allows us to hire competitively.

The need for home health in rural communities is only becoming more and more necessary. This rule will prevent all home health agencies from being able to have sustainable reimbursement to service rural communities.

CMS needs to consider the overall stress home health agencies are under with the current economic environment. CMS should consider a reimbursement increase of 5%.

— Symbii Home Health and Hospice Wyoming


Compared to CY 2024, CMS estimates a decrease of 1.7% in Medicare payments to HHAs for CY 2025. Henry Ford Health is concerned that the annual update to the home health payment rate has not kept pace with significant increases in the cost of labor, medical supplies and other resources needed to provide high-quality care to our patients.

Much of this cut is attributable to a 4.067 percentage-point decrease that is a result of the behavioral assumption adjustment. CMS’ behavioral assumption adjustments are in direct response to regulatory changes that home health providers are required to follow since implementation of the PDGM on January 1, 2020. These behavioral assumptions are challenging because they are punishing home health providers for decisions brought on by regulatory change. For instance, one reason for lowering payments under the behavioral assumption adjustment was the assertion that there would be an increased volume of “home health periods of care” that would receive a comorbidity adjustment resulting from considering all 24 comorbidities on a claim rather than just five. Specifically, the intent of the PDGM was to rely more heavily on clinical characteristics and other patient information to place home health periods of care into meaningful payment groups, with 432 possible case-mix adjusted payment groups.

As a result of the effects of these changes – as well as to PDGM calculations, low-utilization payment adjustment (LUPA) threshold and outlier reimbursement – HHAs will experience even deeper cuts than the 1.7%. Henry Ford Home Health Care estimates that the reduction is closer to 2.3%.

— Henry Ford Health


You continue to cut reimbursement to providers and limit access to services that impact independence, member health, sustainability for providers, and ability for members to remain at home. You cut these services and then blame the providers for poor outcomes. By limiting access to these services, Medicare in the end spends more money to provide services to members in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. It is time to support members in their home and maintain their health in the first place. It is far less expensive for Medicare to treat people who are healthy enough to recover than to provide services once diseases have progressed and prognosis is far less positive.

— Anonymous

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29054 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/10/letter-447577_1280.jpg
Health Literacy Challenges Increase Costs, Client Concerns https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/health-literacy-challenges-increase-costs-client-concerns/ Fri, 11 Oct 2024 20:38:08 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29053 Nearly nine out of 10 adults in the U.S. need help with health literacy. This makes it difficult to understand health coverage and navigate the complex health care system, leading to increased costs and adverse outcomes. This tends to be the case for home care beneficiaries, or potential home care beneficiaries, too. “Health literacy is […]

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Nearly nine out of 10 adults in the U.S. need help with health literacy. This makes it difficult to understand health coverage and navigate the complex health care system, leading to increased costs and adverse outcomes. This tends to be the case for home care beneficiaries, or potential home care beneficiaries, too.

“Health literacy is a state of knowledge and comfort that allows you to navigate the world and achieve wellbeing,” Danielle Brooks, director of quality health equity at AmeriHealth Caritas, told Home Health Care News. “It is critical to navigating, supporting and advocating for yourself when experiencing a medical or health-related need.”

AmeriHealth Caritas, based in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, is a national managed care solution provider.

Limited health literacy significantly impacts Medicaid members, with 60% having basic or below-basic literacy, compared to only 24% of those with employer-sponsored coverage, according to the Center for Health Care Strategies. This demographic includes people aged 65 and older, individuals with lower incomes, those with lower education levels, people with limited English proficiency and minorities.

Furthermore, low health literacy rates lead to higher hospital use, higher mortality rates and higher health care costs. Improving rates could prevent one million hospital visits and save over $25 billion annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Health literacy is essential in home care because it can affect a patient’s ability to understand and follow their treatment plan.

Oftentimes, patients also don’t realize that home health care or home care are options available to them.

“The complexity of the health care system and health concerns like COVID-19 require strong literacy skills to find, understand, evaluate and use health information to make informed decisions,” Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, assistant professor at Boston’s Tufts University School of Medicine, told HHCN. “Compelling sources of health information, including inaccurate information on social media and the internet, intensify the need for improved health literacy for all.”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have listed improved health literacy as organizational priorities. Specifically, HHS has included it in its Healthy People 2030 initiative.

Organizations and professionals can enhance their health literacy by implementing proven strategies. These include addressing questions in simple, non-medical language and creating and testing written materials for the intended audience, as per the HHS.

It’s important to consider that any patient may face challenges in understanding health information. Adults with limited literacy often feel ashamed of their abilities and may conceal their difficulties. Conducting informal client assessments can help identify individuals with limited literacy skills.

“Organizations should start by asking themselves this question,” Brooks said. “What do we need to do to reach our clients in a way they understand and that speaks to them? Materials and messaging need to be presented in a way that is most easily understood by clients and resonates with them. Employees must learn how to incorporate health literacy into their work every day.”

State contracts often require insurers serving Medicaid enrollees to have materials available in multiple languages, written at a sixth-grade reading level or lower, and have member-facing staff who can speak languages other than English.

“It is important to have data on how your current and potential clients understand and process information,” Brooks said. “This includes not only what languages they speak but also factors like age, education level, gender identity, sexual orientation and family structure. This information provides important insights into their needs. It is about communicating to members in a way that is most easily understood and actionable.”

The CDC recommends asking patients how often they need help reading written material from their doctors or pharmacies and asking them to explain instructions in their own words to show that they understand. Use videos, models and pictures to help clients learn. Listen to concerns without interrupting and consider clients’ cultural and linguistic norms when developing messages. Use certified translators and interpreters to adapt to language preferences.

“There are validated tools for analyzing written health information for reading ease and accessibility,” Kurtz-Rossi said. “These include the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool, the CDC Clear Communication Index, and the Readability, Understanding and Actionability of Key Information on Informed Consent Forms (RUAKI) Indicator. Readability formulas can tell you the reading grade level at which a material is written but do not assess layout and design, cultural relevance or other features that help make information accessible.”

Active engagement is also vital to improving clients’ health literacy and ensuring they receive the best care. Engaged clients are more likely to follow treatment plans and work with their caregivers to make informed decisions.

Caregivers should encourage questions, ask clients to express concerns, and readily offer information during visits. Open communication helps build relationships between clients and caregivers and may make clients feel more comfortable asking questions about their conditions.

“The ten attributes of literate health care organizations provide a framework for how organizations can ensure clear communication and understanding,” Kurtz-Rossi explained. “Health-literate organizations strive to provide equitable and understandable information and services using evidence-based health literacy interventions, including plain language in written and oral communication and teach back to confirm understanding. Other health literacy tools and resources can help organizations engage leadership, prepare the workforce, create a shame-free environment and use plain language print materials and websites.”

Caregiver literacy is also a concern

It is important to note that caregivers also have a range of health literacy skills.

“Health literacy is a multifaceted concept which reflects not only individual-level skills but also the unnecessary burden placed on clients and caregivers by an overly complex health system,” Rachel O’Conor, assistant professor at the Center for Applied Health Research on Aging at Chicago’s Northwestern University, told HHCN. “Thinking about health literacy as both an individual skill, but also an organizational trait, can be helpful for agencies to consider as they seek to promote health literacy among their caregivers.”

A recent study showed that 44% of caregivers demonstrated adequate knowledge, 36% demonstrated marginal knowledge and 20% had low health literacy skills. In adjusted analyses, caregivers with marginal and low health literacy demonstrated worse overall performance on health tasks and poorer interpretation of health information presented on print documents and recall of spoken communication. As a result, these caregivers demonstrated poor performance on everyday health tasks with which they commonly assist older adults. The application of health literacy best practices to support better training and capacity-building for caregivers was found to be warranted.

Researchers suggested online training modules to promote caregiver communication with health care clinicians. Following health literacy best practices, these modules should be developed using plain language and cultural inclusion.

“To ensure caregivers are equipped to provide a high level of care, agencies should provide skills-based training on how to assist with health-related tasks,” O’Conor said. “The training could incorporate health literacy best practices in order to promote comprehension and application of the information.”

O’Conor said that she has found that the inclusion of both spoken and print information can promote recall, as well as breaking the information into manageable pieces for better comprehension.

“All corresponding information needs to be easy to understand,” she said. “Passing a simple test demonstrating competency may be reasonable to ensure proficiency in these skills. This act of demonstrating proficiency is in essence the application of teach-to-goal procedures, which is a common health literacy best practice to promote comprehension of health information.”

Home-based care agencies that prioritize personal and organizational health literacy can benefit from multiple positive outcomes. Expanded literacy can improve client health outcomes, decrease emergency department visits by ensuring clients seek preventative care, reduce the number of dosing errors, help clients manage chronic conditions and increase satisfaction.

“Caregivers have a unique role to play when it comes to tailoring and communicating treatment plans to meet the unique needs of individual clients,” Kurtz-Rossi said. “Doctors are one important point of content, but it takes a health care team – including family members – and each member of the team needs to listen to client concerns and communicate plans and services clearly. Clear communication builds trust. When a client is engaged with and trusts their caregivers, they are more likely to follow recommendations.”

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With The Election Nearing, Candidates Battle Over Home-Based Care https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/with-the-election-nearing-candidates-battle-over-home-based-care/ Thu, 10 Oct 2024 20:30:21 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29051 Less than a month before election day, the Democratic and Republican candidates for president are dueling over home-based care plans. Vice President Kamala Harris announced on “The View” this week a proposal that would allow home care to be administered through traditional Medicare. On the same day, former President Donald Trump and his campaign released […]

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This article is a part of your HHCN+ Membership

Less than a month before election day, the Democratic and Republican candidates for president are dueling over home-based care plans.

Vice President Kamala Harris announced on “The View” this week a proposal that would allow home care to be administered through traditional Medicare.

On the same day, former President Donald Trump and his campaign released a rebuttal, pointing toward home care-related policy implemented from 2017-2020, plus additional plans for a potential second term.

Harris’ proposal is a more lofty one. It would also – if implemented – create a massive tailwind for home care providers across the country. But, as LeadingAge President and CEO Katie Smith Sloan pointed out after the proposal, “we cannot overstate that without staff, there is no care.”

Trump, meanwhile, pointed to expanded supplemental benefits in Medicare Advantage (MA) as a way for seniors to access more home care-related services. His campaign team also focused on economic points that it believes will make aging in place easier for Americans under his leadership.

In this exclusive, members-only HHCN+ Update, I make the mistake of venturing into the presidential candidates’ plans for home-based care. Specifically, I examine how viable the plans are, and what they could mean for providers, if implemented.

Home-based care takes center stage

Home-based care providers were likely pulling their hair out over the predictable confusion that arose from Harris’ proposal Tuesday.

Home health care is already a robust benefit provided under the Medicare program, and generally includes services delivered to seniors after an acute health event.

Home care is not currently available under traditional Medicare, however, and generally includes non-medical services to help with activities of daily living.

The only place where home care is paid for under Medicare is through MA supplemental benefits, and MA pays for just a sliver of all home care provided currently.

So, yes, Harris’ proposal would be groundbreaking, if implemented. It would completely change the scope of the Medicare program.

As for the companies it would directly impact, pick a notable name in home care.

Currently, home care providers have a large addressable market: seniors with the ability to pay out of pocket for home care services; Medicaid beneficiaries in need of home- and community-based services (HCBS); veterans in need of home care, paid for through Veterans Affairs (VA); and a small portion of MA beneficiaries and long-term care insurance clients.

If home care were paid for by Medicare in the future, that would take the concept of “unlimited demand” to a new level. There are over 30,000 home care agencies in the country, almost all of which would have a new market opportunity if Medicare became another means to pay for home care.

The one potential downfall for providers would be former private-pay home care clients being able to use Medicare to pay for services. Private-pay home care doesn’t come without challenges, but it remains one of the most profitable forms of home-based care business.

Home health providers – which already provide care to Medicare beneficiaries, almost exclusively – would also see a business boon. Many of them already provide home care, and the ability to care for clients through one revenue source in both service lines would be massively beneficial.

After all, home-based care is responsible for one of the only successful Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) demonstrations of late. The Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model – now implemented nationwide – has already saved Medicare billions, and is likely to save many more billions moving forward.

“We think access to personal care services could at least double from six million customers today. By our estimate, the extra spending would expand the [total addressable market] by ~30% to $110 billion per year,” Macquarie Capital wrote in an analyst note this week. “Since Medicare covers home-based medical services, we expect a wider adoption of the integrated care model following added personal care services coverage. This could also expedite the transition to value-based care. Providers could benefit from aligned incentives, streamlined operations and cost synergies.”

Then comes the question of viability, however.

Harris is not the first person to propose such an idea. Home care stakeholders have suggested it for years, but so have other policymakers.

“When the Affordable Care Act was passed, a component similar to this was included and that ultimately was stripped out,” Tyler Giesting, a director of health care and life sciences at West Monroe, told me this week. “I think we’ve seen it fail in the past for reasons that come down to: can it be economically viable? The challenge would be getting something like this passed, in the way that it has been described so far.”

The Harris campaign has suggested that it would pay for the proposal, in part, by cutting Medicare payments for drugs. It estimated that the proposal would cost around $40 billion per year.

But other estimates suggest that it would cost closer to $400 billion.

Harris sees the proposal as a way to aid the “sandwich generation” – adults that have aging parents to take care of, as well as children. Those responsibilities make it tough to maintain employment.

For Harris, the key would be to convince the right stakeholders of the overall value of home care. It wouldn’t be enough to just prove that more Americans could continue contributing to the economy if they had additional help at home for their older relatives.

Harris’ team would need to instead pitch this as a long-term cost savings project. If more seniors had access to home care, less seniors would be driving up U.S. health care costs in hospitals, emergency rooms and more costly brick-and-mortar facilities.

That is already a battle home care providers face. They are regularly trying to convince payers that more home care equals less overall cost. But a concrete plan, and concrete evidence of those potential savings, would have to be laid out.

“It’s one thing to have this idealistic proposal perspective, and it’s another to actually put it into action with a detailed plan,” Giesting said. “Then, there’s also getting it passed and put into law.”

A detailed plan is key. Even if we accept the idea that more access to home care could ease burden on Americans, while also keeping overall health care costs down, the implementation of the proposal through Medicare would need to be tirelessly thought out.

For instance, New York’s Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) – which allows family members to be paid to care for loved ones in need of home care – has been a fiscal disaster for the state.

Self-directed care has potential. It allows unpaid caregivers to be compensated, and for home care recipients to direct their own care. But it’s also hard to oversee.

For what it’s worth, if the proposal did move forward, I think the best way to go about it would be to prioritize care from existing, quality home care agencies. Agencies that train and vet their caregivers, ones that have been providing care professionally for a long time.

Trump proposals

The Trump campaign’s home care proposals are more understated. And, like Harris’ plans, more details would be needed to project true impact – for potential home care beneficiaries and providers.

“President Trump will prioritize home care benefits by shifting resources back to at-home senior care, overturning disincentives that lead to care worker shortages and supporting unpaid family caregivers through tax credits and reduced red tape,” the Trump campaign wrote in a release, in preparation for Harris’ announcement this week.

The campaign also evoked MA supplemental benefits. MA supplemental benefits – through the primarily health related pathway and the Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) pathway – were created during Trump’s presidential term.

The benefit that allows for home care services is dubbed In-Home Support Services (IHSS). MA plans have pulled back on offering IHSS in 2024, however.

“The Trump administration provided new Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits that included modifications to help keep seniors safe in their homes, respite care for caregivers, transportation coverage, additional in-home support services and assistance and non-opioid pain management alternatives,” the release continued.

The campaign also pointed out other indirect factors that have led to home care inaccessibility of late, such as inflation, which it believes it can continue to bring down.

Spotlight and policy

Home-based care being in the nationwide spotlight is a good thing for providers and older Americans.

But it’s also worth taking stock of where that spotlight has gotten us before. The Biden-Administration has been laser-focused on home care, but mostly HCBS through Medicaid.

Meanwhile, home health providers have been left behind. Advocates are in the throes of a three-year long fight against continued rate cuts from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), as other home-based care proposals are taking shape from both campaigns.

Home health providers are seeing their traditional Medicare payments cut, while also receiving payments from MA plans that often don’t cover the cost of care. All the while, MA penetration continues.

In April of 2023, I wrote about why federal support for home-based care is missing the mark.

While proposals from both campaigns this week contain some good elements, that fact remains true.

As home-based care takes center stage once again, Medicare-certified home health providers are forced to stand behind the curtains, at a time when their margins are evaporating.

“I would also want to remind the Biden, Harris administration that the existing Medicare home health program is under assault currently, and has been since 2020, with billions of dollars in cuts that have diminished access to care, so I think that investment and a stabilization of the existing Medicare home health benefit is something that is also needed,” Partnership for Quality Home Healthcare CEO Joanne Cunningham told HHCN this week. “With this news, I would just offer that recommendation and reminder.”

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29051 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/10/vote-3569999_1280.jpg
Home Health Referral Rejection Continues To Create ‘Bottleneck’ Issue For Hospitals https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/home-health-referral-rejection-continues-to-create-bottleneck-issue-for-hospitals/ Thu, 10 Oct 2024 20:23:22 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29049 As hospital-to-home health referrals continue to climb, provider acceptance rates remain low, a new report from WellSky found. WellSky’s latest report pulls data from the company’s network of more than 2,500 hospitals, accountable care organizations (ACOs) and physician practices, as well as 130,000 providers across the country. WellSky is an international software and professional services […]

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As hospital-to-home health referrals continue to climb, provider acceptance rates remain low, a new report from WellSky found.

WellSky’s latest report pulls data from the company’s network of more than 2,500 hospitals, accountable care organizations (ACOs) and physician practices, as well as 130,000 providers across the country. WellSky is an international software and professional services company.

Overall, the report shows that securing timely post-acute care options for patients is a pain point for hospitals. Even though home health referrals increased by 6%, acceptance rates were only 34.5%.

Source: WellSky

Tim Ashe, chief clinical officer at WellSky, believes that this is the biggest challenge the health care system is currently facing.

“Demand is increasing, patient acuity continues to expand, and then you layer in the workforce challenges and the supply side constraints that those shortages present, and you have a capacity problem in the post-acute markets, including home health,” he told Home Health Care News. “The 34.5% acceptance rate is really indicative of home health organizations wanting to take those referrals, but in many instances they are constrained either by supply, availability, capacity in general, or the ability to take on particular payers.”

Ashe noted that this is a “troubling dynamic” creating a bottleneck across the system.

“Patients need the level of care that home health provides, yet the capacity to care for all of those patients is constrained,” he said.

The report also found that patients discharged to home health care saw a 7% increase in average hospital length of stay.

Source: WellSky

“While home health agencies want to accept these referrals, they can’t, and so these patients are sitting longer in the hospital,” Ashe said.

Ashe pointed out that these challenges were an opportunity for providers to continue to seek out technology solutions that improve care planning and deployment.

Along these lines, the report also came to the conclusion that generative AI and predictive analytics could be a gamechanger.

“We see the implementation and integration of AI capabilities being a good fit inside of the provider’s workflow,” Ashe said. “It has to be intuitive. And it has to be done in a way that is part and parcel to the clinician, or the provider agency, being effective and efficient in how they’re scheduling, how they’re planning and how they’re deploying care. Ultimately, that leads to them being more enabled to provide higher quality care, and a higher volume of services to more patients.”

Ashe emphasized the importance of using these solutions to automate and eliminate administrative burdens, in order to improve access to care.

The report also highlighted some of the regulatory shifts taking place in the health care market, including the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM), ACO Primary Care Flex (ACO PC Flex) and the Making Care Primary (MCP).

“All of these regulatory changes and models are shifts and require us to educate ourselves, to prepare and make sure that we’re able to meet the requirements that CMS introduces,” Ashe said. “I see it as a positive and continued movement towards value-based care. At the end of the day, that improves quality. If done right, it reduces cost, which is a critical aspect to making sure that we have a sustainable health care market going forward. Ultimately, it’s the right thing to do for patients.”

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8 Charged In $68M Home Care, Adult Day Fraud Scheme https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/8-charged-in-68m-home-care-adult-day-fraud-scheme/ Thu, 10 Oct 2024 20:12:29 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29048 An indictment was unsealed on Wednesday in Brooklyn, New York, charging eight defendants with allegedly scheming to defraud Medicaid of approximately $68 million. This was done through the operation of two social adult day care organizations and a home care financial intermediary that paid kickbacks and bribes for services not provided. According to court documents, […]

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An indictment was unsealed on Wednesday in Brooklyn, New York, charging eight defendants with allegedly scheming to defraud Medicaid of approximately $68 million. This was done through the operation of two social adult day care organizations and a home care financial intermediary that paid kickbacks and bribes for services not provided.

According to court documents, Zakia Khan and Ahsan Ijaz owned two Brooklyn-based social adult day care organizations, Happy Family Social Adult Day Care Center Inc. and Family Social Adult Day Care Center Inc., and a financial intermediary called Responsible Care Staffing Inc.

These organizations were involved in the New York Medicaid Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services Program (CDPAP), which allows family members of Medicaid recipients to receive payment for helping the recipients with daily activities.

Starting around October 2017, marketers Elaine Antao, Omneah Hamdi and Manal Wasef reportedly directed Medicaid recipients to Happy Family, Family Social or Responsible Care in exchange for kickbacks and bribes. In return, the marketers allegedly paid kickbacks and bribes to Medicaid recipients for social adult day care and CDPAP services that the organizations billed to Medicaid – services they either did not provide or services that were influenced by those kickbacks and bribes.

Ansir Abassi, Ansir Zaib and Amran Hashmi purportedly managed Happy Family and Family Social along with the marketers. To carry out the kickback scheme, Khan, Antao, Ijaz, Abassi and Hamdi allegedly used business entities to launder the fraud proceeds and generate cash to pay kickbacks and bribes. Seema Memon, an employee of Happy Family who was previously charged by complaint on July 1, was also indicted.

“As alleged in the indictment, these defendants orchestrated a years-long scheme to defraud Medicaid of tens of millions of dollars for social adult day care and home care services that they did not provide,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, said in a statement. “The defendants allegedly paid cash bribes and kickbacks to recruiters and Medicaid recipients as part of a scheme to enrich themselves at the expense of vital programs for senior citizens. The charges make clear that the Criminal Division will not tolerate schemes that brazenly steal from federal health care programs.”

Khan has been charged with several offenses, including conspiracy to commit health care fraud, three counts of health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks, paying health care kickbacks, conspiracy to commit money laundering, and money laundering. If found guilty, she could face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison for each count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering, ten years in prison for each count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, and paying health care kickbacks, and five years in prison for conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks.

Abassi, Antao, Hamdi and Ijaz face charges of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks, conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering. If found guilty, they could be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years for each count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and money laundering, ten years for conspiracy to commit health care fraud, and five years for conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks.

Hashmi is facing charges of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, three counts of health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and paying and receiving health care kickbacks. If found guilty, he could be sentenced to a maximum of ten years for each count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, and paying health care kickbacks, as well as five years for conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks.

Memon is charged with conspiracy to commit health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and paying and receiving health care kickbacks. If convicted, she faces a maximum penalty of ten years for each count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and paying health care kickbacks and five years for conspiracy to defraud the United States and pay and receive health care kickbacks.

Wasef faces charges of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and conspiracy to pay and receive health care kickbacks. If found guilty, she could face a maximum penalty of ten years for conspiracy to commit health care fraud and five years for conspiracy to defraud the United States and to pay and receive health care kickbacks.

Since March 2007, the Health Care Fraud Strike program, consisting of nine strike forces operating in 27 federal districts, has prosecuted over 5,400 defendants who have overbilled federal health care programs and private insurers by over $27 billion.

“The crimes outlined in this indictment took advantage of a network that offers essential health care and other services to those in need,” Interim Commissioner Thomas G. Donlon of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) said in a statement. “Let it be clear: anyone who attempts to profit by defrauding the system will face consequences, as these schemes drain already limited resources and deprive beneficiaries of crucial funds. I commend our NYPD investigators and federal law enforcement partners for their continued collaboration.”

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Why Behavioral Health Care Became Table Stakes For Amedisys, Bayada https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/why-behavioral-health-care-became-table-stakes-for-amedisys-bayada/ Wed, 09 Oct 2024 20:16:54 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29045 Mental and physical health are vital components of overall wellbeing and can influence each other in many ways. Yet, individuals with mental health conditions may encounter challenges in accessing adequate health care, which can impede their ability to manage their physical health. Home health care providers, however, are increasingly stepping in to bridge this gap. […]

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Mental and physical health are vital components of overall wellbeing and can influence each other in many ways. Yet, individuals with mental health conditions may encounter challenges in accessing adequate health care, which can impede their ability to manage their physical health. Home health care providers, however, are increasingly stepping in to bridge this gap.

In-home behavioral health care provides specialized support to promote mental wellness for individuals with a wide range of behavioral or psychiatric disorders. Those who qualify may be experiencing depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, difficulties associated with aging in place, struggles with substance use or problems coping with trauma. Mental health at-home support aims to improve these patients’ access to quality care.

“Untreated mental illness or behavioral health issues can significantly increase the risk of worsening mental conditions, the progression of chronic medical conditions, and the development of heart disease, stroke, dementia and a weakened immune response,” Barbara Andazola, vice president of clinical practice, strategy and programs at Amedisys (Nasdaq: AMED), told Home Health Care News.

Amedisys, headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, provides home health care, hospice, palliative and high-acuity care in 38 states.

“Most adult patients receiving home health services have a chronic or life-altering illness that can affect their mental wellness, which is crucial for how they think, feel, cope, make health-related decisions and determine how they will participate in their care,” Andazola continued. “Providing person-centered care and achieving quality clinical outcomes is impossible without addressing patients’ mental wellness needs, especially in home health, where clinicians directly observe the impact of mental and physical health on a patient.”

Many home health providers see behavioral health as a natural extension of their mission to help seniors successfully age in place.

At the same time, as value-based care measures become more prominent, making sure seniors are as mentally fit as possible also becomes more important from a business perspective.

“Behavioral health care is a crucial offering for home health providers because it allows for continuity of care across lifespan and settings, especially for individuals with dual diagnoses or developmental disabilities,” Dallas Star, regional director for Bayada Home Health Care, told HHCN. “Home health providers can leverage their expertise in home-based care to deliver specialized behavioral health therapies such as applied behavioral analysis (ABA) in the comfort of the client’s home. This personalized approach can help clients generalize skills and improve the overall quality of life.”

Bayada provides home health, home care and hospice services in 23 states, as well as in Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Korea and the U.K.

Psychiatric registered nurses (RNs) usually provide services for this patient population, sometimes with the aid of a licensed clinical social worker.

Those with Medicaid or a limited income may qualify for in-home behavioral health care at no cost. Most providers will work with clients to seek approval and evaluate needs to determine coverage available through insurance providers.

To initiate services, clients must speak with their physician or mental health professional who can provide a referral and work with the home health care provider to develop a personalized care plan. The duration of care depends on individual needs and goals.

Psychiatric nurses conduct an initial assessment and collaborate with the physician to develop an individualized care plan. The nursing services outlined in the care plan typically include evaluating, teaching and administering medications; managing situational crises; conducting self-harm assessments; teaching self-care and promoting mental and physical wellbeing; providing supportive counseling and delivering psychotherapeutic interventions such as education on disease processes, symptom management, safety, coping skills and problem-solving.

If a patient needs additional services or a different level of care, home health clinicians, with the approval of the patient’s physician, will coordinate with local community resources to ensure the patient receives the necessary services to remain safely at home. If this is not feasible, they will arrange to transfer care to an appropriate outpatient or inpatient facility.

“Similar to patients receiving other types of in-home services, those receiving behavioral health care are satisfied with their outcomes and appreciate the ability to receive care in the comfort and safety of their own homes,” Andazola said.

States mobilize crisis intervention teams to further address access to care

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently approved New Hampshire’s Medicaid State Plan Amendment for community-based mobile crisis intervention teams to provide services for people experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis.

New Hampshire can now connect Medicaid-eligible individuals in crisis to a behavioral health provider 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This approval marks 20 states and the District of Columbia that have expanded access to community-based mental health and substance use services under a new Medicaid option created by the Biden-Harris American Rescue Plan.

Mobile crisis intervention teams provides screening and evaluation; stabilization and de-escalation; and coordination with and referrals to health, social and other services, as needed. This helps states better integrate behavioral health services into their Medicaid programs.

Providing fast, appropriate care to someone in crisis may reduce the need for costly inpatient services, and this new option will help states expand access to behavioral health professionals as the initial contact for someone in crisis. New Hampshire can now receive Medicaid funding for mobile crisis response crisis planning, directly connecting people to specialized services, referring ongoing supports, and follow-up check-ins for individuals experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis.

Though home health providers often have behavioral health capabilities – and sometimes even specific service lines for that care – there are still barriers to implementation.

“There is a clear need for ongoing behavioral health services as a standard offering for home health patients,” Andazola said. “However, the shortage of psychiatric-trained RNs and the specific experience requirements set by Medicare for reimbursement limit the expansion of these services. The Medicare home health benefit excludes occupational therapy (OT) as a qualifying clinician discipline. Despite OTs being highly skilled and capable of addressing functional limitations often experienced by behavioral health patients due to mental illness or cognitive deficits, they can only provide these services if the patient’s condition also requires skilled nursing physical or speech therapy. Until CMS addresses these and other requirements, expanding behavioral health services for home health patients will remain limited.”

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29045 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/10/mental-health-3337026_1280.jpg
‘A Deteriorating Industry’: What Home Health Provider Margins Actually Look Like https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/a-deteriorating-industry-what-home-health-provider-margins-actually-look-like/ Mon, 07 Oct 2024 21:22:10 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29034 The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) paints a rosy portrait of home health margins. But an analysis of cost reporting data – that considers both traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage (MA) payments – shows that providers are generally not sitting atop a hill of money. Instead, they are struggling to stay above water. Kalon Mitchell […]

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The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) paints a rosy portrait of home health margins. But an analysis of cost reporting data – that considers both traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage (MA) payments – shows that providers are generally not sitting atop a hill of money. Instead, they are struggling to stay above water.

Kalon Mitchell sold his company to the post-acute technology organization WellSky in 2018. He then worked for WellSky for five more years, learning the ins and outs of the home health industry in the meantime.

After leaving WellSky, and with some more time on his hands, Mitchell decided to start “Project Sword”, which leverages cost reporting data to analyze the financial position of home health providers at large.

The data shows not an industry enjoying close to 20% margins, but instead one that is in a deeply precarious position moving forward.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed cuts to home health payments three years in a row. Though its last two final payment rules have not been as harsh as its proposals, they have still come with permanent cuts to payments.

Providers have multiple gripes with these cuts. The first is over the payment methodology that CMS applies, which most providers and advocates strongly disagree with. The second is the rising costs that home health agencies have recently faced. While CMS is cutting home health payment in traditional Medicare, the cost of providing services has skyrocketed – namely due to the cost of labor.

But the final gripe is the one that has turned into a “generational battle” for providers, and that is MA penetration and payment.

Over 50% of Medicare beneficiaries are now under an MA plan, and those plans generally pay far less for home health care than traditional Medicare.

Providers have regularly told Home Health Care News that MA payment for home health services doesn’t cover the cost of delivering care. But providers tend to be mission driven, and also have referral relationships to uphold. Therefore, they continue to take on MA patients, which sinks their overall margins.

Essentially, traditional Medicare subsidizes MA plans in home health care. It’s true that if providers only took traditional Medicare, they would likely enjoy healthy margins. On the other end, though, if they only took MA, they’d likely have inoperable businesses.

While providers have shared these MA payment horror stories anecdotally, it’s been hard to get a good overall picture of what the average home health provider’s margin looks like of late – as both MA penetration and traditional Medicare rate cuts continue unabated.

The whole picture

Whereas traditional Medicare subsidizes MA in home health care, the opposite dynamic exists for hospitals.

MedPAC has repeatedly said that it can only consider Medicare payments when analyzing the home health industry.

“The Commission’s review indicates that FFS Medicare’s payments for home health care are substantially in excess of costs,” MedPAC wrote in its March report. “Home health care can be a high-value benefit when it is appropriately and efficiently delivered, but these excess payments diminish that value.”

At the same time, MedPAC includes all-payer data for hospitals in its reports. For instance, it acknowledged that aggregate hospital margins on traditional Medicare had fallen to -11.6% in 2022, while aggregate “all-payer” margins were at about 2.6%.

But in home health care, the other side of the payment picture is not acknowledged.

“In the MedPAC report, they say one of the supposed foundations of what they’re supposed to do is look at all-payer margins,” Mitchell told HHCN. “And in the chapter on home health, there is no mention of all-payer margins.”

What Mitchell found while working on Project Sword was that MA payments were erasing the healthy margins that could potentially come with a revenue mix dominated by traditional Medicare.

Source: Project Sword

Project Sword and MedPAC’s analyses spit out similar data for Medicare margins, lending credence to Mitchell’s all-payer margin calculations.

When it came to the all-payer outlook, Mitchell found that home health margins sunk below the break-even point.

Source: Project Sword

While 59% of home health agency revenue still comes from traditional Medicare, those beneficiaries now account for only 45% patient censuses.

Source: Project Sword

Cost reporting generally lags, which is why much of the data Mitchell used is from 2022.

But since that point, it’s likely that the situation has exacerbated. MA penetration has continued, while CMS has gone through with another payment cut in traditional Medicare.

“We can see a deteriorating industry, and yet the narrative from CMS and MedPAC is that there’s no better industry to be in than home health care,” Mitchell said. “They have the highest profit margins, and that’s what Congress sees when they look at their report. That’s what they hear when they talk to CMS and MedPAC. But when they talk to agencies and advocates, they hear the opposite.”

Mitchell has been cleaning and trimming the data as much as possible to ensure that his project can turn into a meaningful tool for the industry.

Providers have also told him – and HHCN – that the numbers are on par with what they’re seeing internally.

“We want to take care of everybody, but the reality is that the payments we get from fee-for-service Medicare Advantage don’t typically cover our costs,” Michael Johnson, the chief researcher of home care innovation at Bayada Home Health Care, recently told HHCN. “So, we’ve got to make sure we have the right and best mix. That isn’t any different [than in years past], but we have to take even more clarity and focus on that approach now.”

Bayada has been around for nearly 50 years. It also has hundreds of locations, both in the U.S. and abroad.

While the current payment dynamics are tough, the company has the means to survive. It has the means to find a better payer mix, to become more efficient operationally.

Bayada and other larger home health providers also have a chance to get a better deal with MA plans. That could mean a better per-visit rate or some sort of value-based arrangement.

For smaller providers, that’s not the case.

“We have been very selective on what payers that we work with because of this,” LTM Group CEO David Kerns told Home Health Care News. “But I think especially smaller agencies, they may not have a payer innovation team, for instance. We’re not a huge agency, but we do have some scale. For smaller agencies, it’s hard to get payers to even credential your contract, let alone negotiate a value-based arrangement with you.”

As a result, fewer home health providers exist today than five years ago.

In total, there were 11,353 active home health agencies in 2022, 11,474 in 2021, 11,565 in 2020, and 11,569 in 2019, according to the Research Institute for Home Care (RIHC).

Last month, one of the oldest home-based care providers in the country – VNA Of Greater Philadelphia – closed its doors amid “unsustainable financial losses.”

Source: Project Sword

A home health leader recently told Home Health Care News that one of its MA contracts hadn’t been updated for a decade. When it approached the payer about a rate adjustment, the plan offered a $3 increase.

The Preserving Access to Home Health Act of 2023 included a provision that would have forced MedPAC to consider all-payer margins in home health care, but that did not make it through.

So, with MA reimbursement that sometimes only covers a portion of the cost of care, and CMS reducing traditional Medicare rates, providers are left to their own devices to survive.

A closer look at the data

Mitchell is aware that there are errors in the data used for Project Sword. But those errors aren’t necessarily ones that would change the overall story that the data is telling.

“There are errors in the data. And I don’t know how many people, as I’ve worked on this project, have said, ‘You can’t use that data. It’s full of errors,’” Mitchell said. “My reply to that is, MedPAC and CMS are using it, and they’re providing a very limited perspective on what they’re doing.”

Mitchell has also shown his work as much as possible, and has included spreadsheets and his methodologies on his website.

But another area where there are definitely errors are the cost reports themselves. And that, too, could be hurting home health providers.

“I’ve never heard of a single agency that is making sure that every single one of their expenses is on these cost reports,” Kerns said. “They don’t have every little thing on there that should be on there. You need to recognize a lot of those expenses, and really work closely with whoever is doing your cost reports to make sure those are accurate.”

If anything, that would mean that margins are worse off than they’re portrayed in the reports.

“This has been haunting us for years,” Robert Markette, an attorney with the law firm Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, previously told HHCN. “The numbers are all over the place. The baseline problem is that we don’t report it accurately because we don’t take cost reporting seriously. We give CMS the ammunition they need to make their argument that we’re being paid too much. When in fact, I think we’re severely underpaid.”

As for Mitchell, he plans to get the data in front of as many stakeholders as possible in the near-term future.

The final payment rule is generally released in late October or early November, but CMS also plans to continue cutting payments in the coming years.

The post ‘A Deteriorating Industry’: What Home Health Provider Margins Actually Look Like appeared first on Home Health Care News.

29034 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/10/mirror-6507059_1280.jpg
PACE Programs Emerge As ‘Natural Allies’ To Home-Based Care Providers https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/pace-programs-emerge-as-natural-allies-to-home-based-care-providers/ Fri, 04 Oct 2024 20:46:24 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29027 Home-based care providers and Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations are in a unique position to strengthen the work one another is doing to care for seniors. No one understands this better than Alivia Care, a home-based care provider that also has PACE programs under its umbrella. In 2021, Alivia Care opened […]

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Home-based care providers and Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations are in a unique position to strengthen the work one another is doing to care for seniors.

No one understands this better than Alivia Care, a home-based care provider that also has PACE programs under its umbrella. In 2021, Alivia Care opened up Jacksonville, Florida-based The PACE Place.

“We thought No. 1, it related to the type of care that we gave, in terms of chronic elderness, geriatric frailty, many of the things that we see in our hospice patients, so we felt that we had some core competencies there,” Alivia Care CEO Susan Ponder-Stansel told Home Health Care News. “One of the things that we also wanted to do is just practice being responsible for the total cost of care, over a longer period of time.”

Jacksonville, Florida-based Alivia Care provides home health care, hospice care, personal care, palliative care, advanced care planning and PACE services across Northern Florida and Southern Georgia. Currently, The PACE Place serves roughly 150 seniors.

Ponder-Stansel has seen opportunities to bring in its home health resources to benefit the seniors who are receiving care through the company’s PACE program.

“We found that it was actually better to work with our home health agency, especially for things like wound care,” she said. “Home health [clinicians] have certain skill sets that most are very good at, things like wound care or cardiac rehab or diabetic education, some of those things that we would see in our PACE population. Some PACE providers just do it all themselves, so it depends on what works for them, but we felt this was a better way.”

In addition to this, Alivia Care utilizes its personal care staff to offer transportation escorts for medical appointments to seniors receiving PACE services through The PACE Place. These caregivers are also providing support in the home, delivering housekeeping services and help with chores.

On the other end, the company has been able to bring PACE services into the home.

“Not every PACE participant will come into your day center every day,” Ponder-Stansel said. “There are times when people just don’t feel well. We’ve been able to do occupational therapy, physical therapy, and bring that to the home for them. Because PACE is the payer for this, you don’t have to necessarily go through all the hoops of the OASIS. You can just contract with your home health to provide it.”

Referral-based partnerships

One Senior Care is a PACE organization that has formed referral-based partnerships with home-based care providers.

“Oftentimes it’s those home health companies that really know and see the conditions that the patients are living in, and really have a good understanding of the complexity of these patients,” Craig Worland, chief operating officer at One Senior Care, told HHCN. “They’re the ones who realize that the patient may need more, and they actually can be a referral source for us.” 

Erie, Pennsylvania-based One Senior Care is the top PACE provider for rural and Appalachian communities.

Similar to Alivia Care’s The Place Place, One Senior Care also brings its home-based care partners into the home of PACE participants that need additional support.

“There are definitely times where there’s a skilled need that we don’t have at a center within our staff, or there is something that a patient needs just due to how complex they are that we are not equipped to provide,” Worland said. “We work with the home-based care company to provide that.”

The biggest value-add of these partnerships is being able to offer an additional level of care through working with home-based primary care and home health providers, according to Worland.

“That to me is really the sweet spot for these partnerships, it’s allowing us to meet our goal, which is keeping the participant at home, that could be anything from wound care to infusion [services],” he said.

Despite PACE and home-based care providers being natural allies, Worland believes that the latter are sometimes reluctant to collaborate with the former.

“Sometimes home-based care companies view PACE as a competitor, and they almost have an aversion to working together, or an aversion to using PACE as a resource for their really sick patients,” he said. “I think what I’d love to see is just more of that collaboration.”

For Alivia Care, the internal partnership between its home-based care arm and its PACE program has meant leaning into each segment’s strengths, as opposed to taking everything on.

This doesn’t mean the collaboration is completely free from challenges.

“Coordination and communication is something that is sometimes challenging, and you have to build in mechanisms for hearing from those who are providing the care in the home, and then having them coordinate with your interdisciplinary care team to manage that care and make sure you’re responding to anything that’s going on, and planning adequately,” Ponder-Stansel said. “There’s a higher degree of communication than you would normally see with a Medicare patient.”

Worland also stressed the importance of strong communication within these partnerships.

Ultimately, he wants home-based care providers to understand the mutual benefits that come from teaming up.

“The onus is on the PACE plan to explain that and spell that out, but as patients continue to get sicker, get more complex and their care needs become more challenging, I really want these home care companies to be thinking about PACE as a partner,” Worland said.

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29027 https://homehealthcarenews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/04/house-1353389_1920.jpg
VitalCaring Pilot Program Shows Promising Results For Cognitively Impaired Patients  https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/vitalcaring-pilot-program-shows-promising-results-for-cognitively-impaired-patients/ Fri, 04 Oct 2024 19:58:36 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=29026 VitalCaring has announced the results of a seven-month AI-driven cognitive care pilot program. The program provided personalized therapy to patients with cognitive disorders using Constant Therapy’s digital speech, language and cognitive therapy platform as part of its home-based services for selected patients. Based in Dallas, VitalCaring provides home health and hospice care to patients in […]

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VitalCaring has announced the results of a seven-month AI-driven cognitive care pilot program. The program provided personalized therapy to patients with cognitive disorders using Constant Therapy’s digital speech, language and cognitive therapy platform as part of its home-based services for selected patients.

Based in Dallas, VitalCaring provides home health and hospice care to patients in the Southern U.S., covering Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

Constant Therapy is a digital health company. Its technology enhances the effectiveness of cognitive, speech and language therapy while also increasing access to and reducing the cost of these therapies, according to the company.

The Constant Therapy app uses AI technology to offer personalized exercises that aid in rebuilding cognitive and speech function for individuals recovering from stroke or traumatic brain injury, as well as those living with aphasia, dementia or other neurological conditions. A team of neuroscientists at Boston University developed the app.

“The pilot program was launched to harness the power of technology to elevate the quality of in-home therapy and alleviate the burden on families and caregivers of patients with cognitive disorders,” Janice Riggins, VitalCaring’s chief clinical officer, told Home Health Care News. “The initiative was driven by several key objectives, including enhancing cognitive abilities to improve physical functioning, enabling patients to age in place more effectively, collecting data to support medical necessity and tailor interventions more precisely, and expediting the patient’s journey toward regaining independence safely within their homes.”

The pilot took place from October 2023 to May 2024 and involved 52 patients aged 54 to 92. The patients had various primary diagnoses, including cerebral infarction, brain tumors, dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease), Parkinson’s disease, encephalitis, encephalopathy and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Patient performance was assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment/MoCA and the Saint Louis University Mental Status/SLUMS cognitive screening.

The program included various exercises to improve auditory and visual memory, reading comprehension, speech, attention, problem-solving and visuospatial processing.

“While the primary goal for patients with chronic diseases is often to maintain cognitive function or slow its decline, we observed more gains in functional cognition, and caregivers reported more social and physical activity gains than anticipated,” Riggins said.

Patients in the program showed statistically significant cognitive improvements, including improvement by at least one cognitive level and achievement of normal cognitive function by discharge, according to Riggins.

“Success in the program required both the patient and caregiver to demonstrate a willingness and ability to comply with the recommended regimen,” she said. “Ideally, patients had access to a device compatible with the app to maximize results during and beyond therapy visits, ensuring continued progress post-discharge.”

Patients’ ability to independently access Constant Therapy’s therapeutic exercises at home has proven valuable to clinician-supervised therapy, Riggins noted. The VitalCaring Cognitive Care pilot program aimed to determine how additional therapy tools could speed up recovery and maximize cognitive functioning for VitalCaring patients with dementia-related diseases and those recovering from stroke or other brain injuries. On average, each patient in the pilot could access an additional 11 hours of digital therapy independently.

“This program equips our clinicians with an additional resource to complement their skilled interventions, maximizing patient success,” Riggins said. “It enables us to support our patients longer in their goal to age in place.”

Following the pilot, VitalCaring plans to explore more opportunities to expand this initiative across its network.

“We’ve already begun training clinicians throughout our organization and are committed to providing this valuable resource to all patients who can benefit from it,” she said.

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VNS Health Research Leads To New Diagnostic Code, Aiding Post-Acute Care Providers  https://homehealthcarenews.com/2024/10/vns-health-research-leads-to-new-diagnostic-code-aiding-post-acute-care-providers/ Thu, 03 Oct 2024 21:05:22 +0000 https://homehealthcarenews.com/?p=28990 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added a new diagnostic code to their annual update of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) list. The new code, z512A, supports providers in hospitals and health facilities by alerting home care clinicians and other post-acute care providers when a patient is being discharged to aftercare following […]

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added a new diagnostic code to their annual update of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) list. The new code, z512A, supports providers in hospitals and health facilities by alerting home care clinicians and other post-acute care providers when a patient is being discharged to aftercare following hospitalization for sepsis.

The need for a new ICD-10 code for sepsis survivors was spurred by findings from a VNS Health study showing that sepsis was noted in admission assessments only 7% of the time. This caused researchers to question whether home health providers were aware that a patient had been diagnosed with sepsis. The study also identified the risk factors associated with early readmission of sepsis survivors.

“Having an ICD-10 code for sepsis aftercare lets providers know when a patient discharged to them is a sepsis survivor,” Dr. Kathryn H. Bowles, director of the VNS Health Center for Home Care Policy & Research, told Home Health Care News. “When people are hospitalized for sepsis, they are not discharged until the illness is resolved. When sepsis is resolved, it falls to the patient’s history and may not be included in the current problem list communicated during the transition to post-acute care.”

VNS Health provides home, hospice, and personal and private care services in New York. The Center for Home Care Policy & Research conducts research to support home- and community-based services and inform decision-making providers, policymakers and consumers.

“Because sepsis has a high readmission rate mainly due to recurrence, any patient who has had sepsis is at risk, and many suffer a long recovery dealing with the after-effects of sepsis,” Bowles continued. “Research showed timely attention the first week after sepsis discharge effectively decreases 30-day readmissions. If the next level of care doesn’t know the patient is a sepsis survivor, providers cannot activate effective protocols for prevention. The new code will alert the next level of care.”

An ongoing study by the same research team revealed the lack of a diagnostic code to identify sepsis survivors after discharge. Home health personnel explained that because sepsis is an acute care condition treated and resolved in the hospital, they cannot place it on the home care record. The study provided evidence that because of this communication gap, home care providers and clinicians may not be prompted to give the attention and close monitoring that sepsis recovery warrants.

“As our team discovered, there was a serious communication gap between hospitals and post-acute care providers when it came to caring for sepsis survivors,” Bowles said. “Without knowing an incoming patient had recently survived sepsis, home care providers were missing an important piece of the puzzle in determining a plan of care. Because there was no aftercare code, sepsis survivors were being coded as having pneumonia or urinary tract infection, or ‘other aftercare.’ However, as we know, knowledge is power, and with this code, home care teams and patients are empowered. They can provide the necessary care to avoid a recurrence of sepsis and preventable hospitalizations or death.”

Following the publication of these findings, the research team led an advocacy effort to persuade the CDC to adopt a diagnostic code defining sepsis aftercare as a separate condition. The new code was accepted and announced in July and took effect Oct. 1.

“Knowing the patient is a sepsis survivor alerts the team to activate evidence-based protocols for timely start of care and outpatient follow-up, close surveillance, antibiotic stewardship and patient teaching,” Bowels explained. “Sepsis strikes fast, so patients and caregivers must be educated to monitor their temperature, take their medications as prescribed and call their home care providers immediately if they feel worse.”

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